One of the biggest topics during July’s board meeting with TTG execs and GenNx360 management was projecting workload and revenues for the second half of the year. We are working with our existing customers on when projects are likely to be released, and our sales teams given targets to hit. We are aggressively quoting jobs, […]
One of the biggest topics during July’s board meeting with TTG execs and GenNx360 management was projecting workload and revenues for the second half of the year. We are working with our existing customers on when projects are likely to be released, and our sales teams given targets to hit. We are aggressively quoting jobs, […]
We are forever blasted with news— from some sources that are less reliable than others—and it seems like the facts keep changing! This virus is new. Scientists and doctors are learning more about it all the time, and they truly don’t even know yet what they don’t know about this thing. But we know more […]
As positive cases continue to spike throughout the U.S., state and local officials are reinstating precautionary measures and restrictions. Not surprisingly, our chance of exposure increases, the more we interact with each other. We want you to enjoy your Fourth of July holiday, and whatever vacation time you have planned this summer—you’ve earned it! Please […]
Vacation season is upon us, and after months at home, many people are eager to get out and do things. Health experts are reporting “spikes” of new cases in certain areas. Officials have made it clear this rise in cases was not due to more testing, but likely a result of increased social gatherings.
2020 is shaping up to be a year in which all of us are forced to look very closely at how we can adapt to keep our associates and families safe. Above all, each of you has shown compassion, respect and patience with our team and families, through this challenging pandemic. You all have proven […]
The Big Three automakers and OEMs report that they are planning to resume operations the week of May 18. This is welcome news across the automotive industry, but we don’t expect everything to be like it was the minute they flip the switch. It will take time to get those lines running again with new […]